Ratings & Age Recommendations (Current Edition)
Hi, friends!
So as you know, I’m a total book fantasizer, raver, dreamer, wanna-be author, and book-a-holic. I write about books all the time, whether it’s a book review or a yearly update, books are a big part of my blog. But I’ve noticed in the last couple of my posts, that I rate the books I read normally on a 1 to 10 scale, and my age recommendation I do with numbers normally as well, and I just wanted to give a post explaining how I do my ratings *currently* (this works for movie reviews as well).
Ratings (1–10)
So I think my ratings are pretty straight forward, but here is the way I totally believe works. I have a hard time with the whole “five star” thing or the 1-7 ratings, because for me personally its not a big enough rang for all the books in the world :P
#1–3 on my scale is pretty much a bad book, if there was such a thing. I hate saying that there are bad books—trust me there are bad movies—but a lot of times there are…and when there is, my heart sighs bitterly.
#4–5 are okay books. I wouldn’t say there were my favorite, but as I like to say, “that doesn’t mean someone else could really enjoy them”.
#6–7 would be good books, ones that I read and are averagely solid, decent books, that I loved but weren’t amazing, that I enjoy but wouldn’t need to read it again.
#8–9 are books that hold the lives of my besties that I reread all the time, and can’t forget (in a good way).
#10–These are the books that I throw at my friends to read, that I absolutely cry over, and that I wouldn’t change other than the fact that I wish they were longer. The books that when I finish reading it’s that bittersweet moment when you feel like you’ve just lost a friend *happily sighs*.
Age Recommendations (1st Grade—YA)
If you didn’t know, I tend to love abbreviations (yes, I’m admitting to it :P)—
1–4th graders (3–10yo) I don’t normally recommend to, mostly just because I don’t really ever read books for those ages.
11–12yo is what I tend to say more so than 5–7 graders because I like to recommend books to ages more than grades, being that there are a lot of different maturity levels. So a lot of times I’ll say 12–13+ if I’m referring more mature 12yo’s and less mature 13yo’s. This would include books I’ve read that practically all ages would enjoy.
YA/Young Adult (13–17yo) novels are some of my absolute favorites, and include most of my favorite dystopian, romance, and thrill novels.
Again, obviously this is simply my favorite ways to describe and recommend books to people. CLICK HERE to read more about my obsession for good fantastic, romantic, beautifully written hard covers :)
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