Lent (Reading Fast & April TBR)

Tally ho, friends!
The season of Lent is the time of year in preparation of Easter, starting from Ash Wednesday—March 5th to Holy Thursday—April 17th. It reflects the forty days Jesus spent fasting in the desert. A lot of people like to fast during this season, and there are various different fasts people do. During this season, I have decided to take a break from pleasure reading and will be only reading the Bible. I’m doing this fast with some besties of mine, and wanted to share with you all to give you the chance to fast something personal or to even join as well. I believe that this time will be a really good chance grow in the Word, as well as take a break from doing something I love that will make it even more enjoyable in the months to come. 

April TBR

*Nervous laughter* Yes, this is my TBR list, but bare with me because its simple what I’m hoping to get to. I’m hoping to get into some new genres during the month, and get into seeing what I enjoy most.
  • Anna Karenina, by Leo Tolstoy.
  • A Time To Speak, by Nadine Brandes.
  • Sunrise On The Reaping, by Suzanne Collins
  • The Cossacks, by Leo Tolstoy
  • The Words We Lost, by Nicole Deesse
  • The Warrior’s Curse, by Jennifer A. Nielsen
  • Maze Runner, by James Dashner
I’m excited to start all of these books, but I also think that this is going to be really amazing and exiting to see what this break of pleasure reading will do. My goal is to get through the whole Bible in these fourty days of Lent, but also not to rush through it. I’ve never gone cover to cover in the Word before, so I’m really excited to see what will stir up. I also hoping to catch up on some reviews from the last few months of books I read here on the blog <3


  1. Oooo The Words We Lost!! One of my faves :) And thanks for reminding me about Sunrise on the Reaping…I totally forgot about putting that on my TBR 😅

    1. Lol yes! Can’t wait for the new release.

  2. I look forward to hear your thoughts on Anna Karenina!!

    1. Samesies! I’m really excited to read it.


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