The Runaway King, by Jennifer Neilsen (Book 2 Of The Acendance Series Review)

“Wherever our lives lead us, one thing is certain. You and I will always be connected. You might be able to deny that, but I can't. Even I am not that good a liar.” 

Jaron is now king. But that still doesn’t mean that war isn’t far from a possibility. With the surrounding countries butting heads, Jaron’s safety isn’t promised. Then, on the day of his families funeral, an anassination attempt against Jaron makes it relevant that he must go into hiding if he wants to save his country, or die trying…

“Long live king Jaron. If he leads us half as well as he entertains us, then Carthya has a truly great future ahead.” 

Jennifer, my goodness! Jennifer Neilsen’s writing styles are do different in each of her books. I’ve read quite a few of her historical fiction novels, as well as some of her stand alone novels and one of her other series, and the Acendance Series is so different than any other books I’ve read by other authors, but also even some of her own writing! Talk about one-of-a-kind.
Jaron is such a stellar main character. As I’ve said, most main characters i find I don’t really like, but Jaron is just really cool. The way he thinks is super unexplainable, and how to even begin describing the plot twists, its ineffable.
That being said, I do believe I liked the first book better. Mainly just because I enjoyed the plot more so. The plot twists in The False Prince are just so crazy, its understandable that it would be hard to do something similar a second time, but thats just my reasoning behind enjoying book one a little better. 
I’d highly recommend this book for ages 12+ and I’d rate it an 8-10. 

CLICK HERE to get the book for yourself!


  1. Yes! This book was great, HIGHLY recommend. Great plot, great story, great sass from Jaron lol -L.R


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