A Wind In The Door, by Madeleine L’engle (Book Review)



Wait until tomorrow to find what tomorrow holds.”

Meg Murry is now 14-years-old, when school starts up again. She’s finally made a friend, more than a friend, Calvin O’Kleefe. Her father is back, and he and her mother are back at doing their research. Everyone seems to be doing good. All but her youngest brother, Charles Wallace. Ever since the start of his first school year, he comes home with bloody noses and black eyes ever day. His smarts seem to only make him more of a spectacle. But Meg really starts to really worry about him when he tells her about the “drive of dragons” by their twin brothers vegetable garden. Things only get worse when Charles Wallace starts to get sickly and can’t seem to catch his breathe walking in the yard. Meg starts to think it has something to do with school, but when “his dragons” turn out to be real, Meg can’t help but believe its something bigger…

A Wind In The Door was a real page turner! Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace made a story that was, just like A Wrinkle In Time, was a mix of fantasy, science, future, romance, and thrill. L’engle writes in such a unique way, you can’t tell what will happen next. The character development was so good in all of her characters. 
Like most times, I like the first book better than the second, but this was a great stand alone! (As you might have guessed, it doesn’t pick up after A Wrinkle In Time, but the author said she did it on purpose).
Meg Murry is a great character because of all of the development that happens to her. She really learns a lot, and shows others a lot. 
I like how all of these books have a spiritual tie in. That’s why they remind me of The Chronicles of Narnia, as well as The Giver Quartet, and all of those other futuristic books. A Wrinkle in Time was a bit more so on the dystopian side, than this one was, but I enjoyed them both. They both showed the battle of good and evil in a great way. I would recommend this book for 12+ and would rate it an 6 out of 10!

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