Number the stars by Lois Lowry (Book Review)

 Number the stars is about a ten year old girl named Annemarie Johansen, who lives in Denmark, in the time of World War II. All of Denmark is covered with Nazis soldiers. Then the Jews of in Denmark are being “relocated” and Annemarie's best friend, Ellen, parents have to move to safety, so Ellen moves in with Johansen’s and pretends to be Annemarie’s sister. Then it becomes too dangerous to for any Jews to live in Denmark, so Annemarie must help Ellen and her family to safety, before it not to late…

This book was very good, I read it very quickly and would read it again. Annemarie is very brave and I’m not sure if I was in her place, if I could have don’t the things she did in this book. Lois Lowry is one of my favorite authors, and she did an amazing job with writing this. 
I would say it is for 11 yo to adult. And I would rate it a 6 out of 10! 

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