Wishtress, by Nadine Brandes (Book Review)
“ She didn’t ask to be the Wishtress.” She didn’t even have the choice. Myrthe was born with her Talent, unlike all the other commoners that had to go to the Well. At twelve-years-old, her Talent started to show and now—at seventeen, Myrthe is being used for her wish giving tears, but just wants to be see as a person. Then, Myrthe uses a rash wish and gets cursed: the next tear she sheds will end her life. She now must go to the Well in hopes to break the curse, before she cries a single tear. Bastiaan’s very rare Talent helped before, but will it in his new quest in finding the Wishtress and handing her over to the new king? But before he hands her in, Bastiaan wants a wish for himself. He gains Myrthe’s trust be promising to take her to the Well, but plans to get what he wants and turn her in to finish his orders…until he starts falling in love for this girl with the heart of stone… “ Joy. As suddenly as a hiccup but as subtle as a blink. Yet it was there. Unbidden and be...